How much do you know about English food? Have you ever eaten fish & chips? You may think that English food is horrible, but there are many specialities which are really delicious. Join this Blogquest and enjoy your meal!

“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” Virgina Woolf


You will have to elaborate a menu for a typical English restaurant consisting of different courses, including the name of the restaurant and the prices.
You will design your menu as a PowerPoint presentation. It will also include a recipe of one of your dishes from your menu and five pieces of information dealing with eating etiquette in Britain. It will be presented in class and evaluated both as a group work and as an individual work.


You will work in groups of three to four students. Follow these steps:

- Step 1 Search the information needed in the given links.

British food and drink:

- British Food.
- Meals.
- London Food.
- Easy Meals.


- Easy Recipes.
- BBC Recipes.
- Recipe zone.

Eating etiquette:

- Customs.
- Table etiquette.
- Video.

Step 2 Elaborate your menu. Think of a nice name for your restaurant, a list of dishes (starters, main courses and desserts), beverages and the speciality of the day. Don’t forget the prices (in pounds !!!) Include a recipe of one of your dishes from your menu and five pieces of information dealing with eating etiquette in Britain.

Step 3 Design a PowerPoint presentation.

Step 4 Present your work to the rest of the class.


Your report will be evaluated individually and in group, so all of you have to work as hard as the others to get a good group mark.

- Individual work: Write a summary about your experience in the project, how you contributed to the group effort, what you think you learned from helping to create this project, etc

- Group work: All of you have to work as hard as the others to get a good group mark. Your work will be evaluated in a scale from 1 to 4 as follows:

- Complete a short mystery story or role play in the past tense and present it in the class.

- Write a summary about your experience in the project, how you contributed to the group effort, what you think you learned from helping to create this project, etc


. Web search and Planning: Passive role in team work. Shows little effort or interest. Random, last-minute activity.
. Design: Work barely meets the minimum requirements.
. Research and Gather Information: Does not collect any information that relates to the topic.
. Content: Shows little concern for topic.
. Grammar: Contains many grammatical errors.


. Web search and Planning: Shows more effort and interest but should improve research, planning and collaboration skills.
. Design: Work includes a few important ideas but are superficial and disorganized.
. Research and Gather Information: Collects little information. Some relates to topic.
. Content: The information required has been obtained partially. Grammar: Contains several errors.


. Web search and Planning: Demonstrates an ability to effectively use many sources of information. Contributes useful ideas to team work and assumes a responsible and encouraging role.
. Design: Work includes many good ideas clearly and logically presented. Text and picture ratio well balanced. Shows attention to language and visual impression.
. Research and Gather Information: Collects good information. Most of it relates to the topic.
. Content: Report contains main information.
. Grammar: Contains some errors.


. Web search and Planning: Assumes full responsibility for his/her own work and contributes a lot of original ideas to team effort. Is good at summing up ideas and presenting arguments.
. Design: Clearly and logically presented. Work demonstrates skilful use of web resources and ICTs. Work is original in approach and visually attractive.
. Research and Gather Information: Collects a great deal of information. All of it relates to the topic.
. Content: Relays a great deal of information. Report is organized.
. Grammar: It is virtually error free.


What have you learned?

- You have learned a lot about British food and customs.
- You have worked in group and that is very satisfying.
- You have used a lot of web pages in English and you have surfed on the net in
- You have used PowerPoint and you have found it useful to learn and study English.

Now you have the opportunity to experiment with this food in the kitchen!

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